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Monday, December 6, 2010

Snowman & Santa Wine Bottles

Here are the five wine bottles I told you I had to paint for a customer who wants to give them as Christmas gifts. I'm way ahead of the deadline which was December 21st =) Now I just need to varnish them and they'll be done.


  1. Hi Marie: I love these!! Great job! now what do you have sticking out of the tops? What do you spray the bottles with before painting them? patti :)
    email me:

  2. Thanks Patti and Creativa.mente =) I will email you Patti.

  3. Very cute Marie! Congrats on getting them done way ahead of schedule, that's always a good feeling. =]

  4. Do you have patterns and directions for the wine bottle paintings to purchase

  5. do you have patterns and directions for the wine bottle paintings?


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