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Friday, December 17, 2010

Custom Order House Ornie

I have a couple that comes every year to my shop and order something special  that happened during the year for their daughter. Last year  I had to paint a Volkswagon van and this year she bought a new house so they wanted me to paint a house ornie and brought me the plans of the house which isn't finished yet but they told me what color everything would be. I even added a Christmas wreath with berries on the door. The ornie isn't big it measures 2.5" wide by 5" long so it was very hard to paint so much detail on such a small surface. I hope they will like it! Now I'm all caught up with my orders =)


  1. Wow, that's really neat! I'm sure it is hard to paint detail on such a small piece but you did a terrific job!

  2. Thanks so much Angie! Yes, it was hard to paint detail on such a small piece. They loved it so it was worth it =)


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